“Success is a peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the best effort to become the best of which you are capable.” —John Wooden

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What is Mental Skills Training?

Mental skills are learned capabilities and techniques that allow an athlete to intentionally control their minds and emotions so the athlete can perform consistently at their best. We know elite and Olympic athletes constantly train and polish their inner game, but can youth athletes also master these skills? Yes! There are three targeted mental skill blocks that we teach which can be learned, improved, and mastered over time.

  1. Foundational skills: Character. Motivation. Attitude. Teammate Skills. Communication. Goal Setting. Growth Mindset. Resilience. Coachability. Adjustment to Injury.

  2. Pre-Competition skills: Self-talk. Confidence. Deep Visualization. Sport Mindfulness

  3. Competition Skills: Emotional Regulation. Focus-Refocus. Flow. Anxiety management. Zone of Optimal Functioning. Concentration. Mindfulness.

Mental skills and character development are integral to the sport experience. We cannot leave our athletes’ development of these critical skills up to chance. RBM Performance Coaching is thrilled to help your athlete take control of their mindset, dream big, and set them up for unlimited success.

Our Mission

To build athletes’ high performance mental skills and character hardiness to discover joy, purpose, and true potential in sport and life.


Create a Positive Team Mindset

An ideal team family is shaped by its collective mindset, common goals, shared values, and authenticity. Youth and college teams typically have a short period of time to make a substantial team impact on the court, ice, pool, or pitch. Mental skills training can efficiently help your team build a positive culture, bounce back quickly from mistakes, develop pre-competition routines, manage competition anxiety, and engage in a shared belief system leading to your team’s maximum success.


Discover True Possibilities

We can have the best genetics, an admirable work ethic, a solid training program, and world class facilities, but it’s only when a sound mental approach is intentionally implemented that we discover our own unique sport potential.

Mental skills can and should be taught to every athlete out there—recreational or elite! We cannot leave mental mastery up to chance. When our physical and mental preparation become aligned, we empower our athletes to take control and write their own success story. Fearlessness, self-belief, grit, and resilience can be nurtured and honed to discover your athlete’s best self.


Develop Confidence & Courage

“Just be confident.” We have all heard that before. If only ‘choosing’ confidence was that easy, and if only confidence was 100% stable over time. When confidence slacks, sport enjoyment declines, self-consciousness rises, performance mistakes seem magnified, and athletes play tentatively so they don’t make mistakes.

Good news.

Confidence can be regained and/or boosted with the right mental skills. Confidence is a discovery process, a learned skill and a developed attitude. When confidence is cultivated, athletes feel invincible, happy, and free when it matters most.


Practice Sport Mindfulness.

In the sport arena, our mind can drift and work against us. Learn how to truly focus and re-focus. Learn how to let go of future worry and past mistakes and welcome self-acceptance. Learn how to experience “flow” and be fully present in the only moment we have before us…the NOW.