Our Services

Team workshops, small group sessions, 1 v 1 individual work, and parenting/coach consultations ensure that athletes are maximising their joy and performing at their best. Confidence, fear of failure, player-coach communication, pre-competition anxiety, practice to game inconsistency, daily habits of excellence, self-talk, perfectionism are common youth sport tendencies that can be strategically improved and mastered over time.

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Team/Club Workshops

Team dynamics create the foundation for success. Team chemistry is easy to see but can be difficult to develop quickly for a 3-5 month season. Team sessions teach teams how to bounce back quickly from mistakes, manage pre-competition nerves, develop a strong team culture, and develop consistency in their team’s mental game. Workshops can also be tailored to the specific needs of your team. Inquire about details/ prices.

Team Options available:

1) Bronze Team: a) Single motivational talk and culture building session, OR

b) Three, 60 minute sessions, OR

c) Half or full day workshop

2) Silver Team: One month intensive program

3) Gold Team: Full, unlimited, ongoing sport season support— 3 month program

4) Platinum Team: Full, unlimited, ongoing sport season support—5 month program.

Individual 1 on 1 Athlete Sessions

Brennan Morrey works 1 on 1 with a limited number of select athletes. The most successful 1 on 1 athletes are personally invested in learning and improving mental skills, desire an ‘edge’ in sport, value joy in sport, and have ambitious goals. This option is a transformative process, that with right relationship will maximize results. Inquire about details/ prices.

Individual options:

1) Bronze Individual: Three 60 minute sessions of mental skill training

2) Silver Individual: 1 month intensive program

3) Gold Individual: Unlimited access and in depth 3 month transformation program

4) Platinum Individual: Unlimited access and in depth 5 month transformation program

Small Group Huddle Sessions

Small groups offer young athletes the ability to work together and dive deep into their mental skills while getting support and validation from their peers. Small groups can be formed by athletes, parents, or the coaches. Small groups meet 1 x week for 4 weeks or 8 weeks at a convenient time for all. Customized programs are also available to meet small group needs. Inquire about details and prices.

Parenting Workshops and Coach Consultation

In the youth sport landscape, parents get a bad rap. Sometimes deservedly so. Sometimes not. It is Brennan Morrey’s belief is that parents must be a part of the solution to the success and happiness of their youth athlete. Brennan Morrey leads and educates parents on “spectator success” so that the coach, athlete, and parents can all witness a positive and memorable youth sport experience. Brennan Morrey provides parent consultations and workshops to club and team workshops designed to educate parents and coaches on best sport practices. Inquire about details and prices.